Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Journal #4- Abandoned to the Fate Video Questions

Historical Images Assignment

Video available online through vimeo.  Go to   

Abandoned to the Fate video

This video give a historical account of how person with disabilities have been treated in our society.  This video focuses on moral, economic and aesthetic issues.

A)      What did you learn in each of these areas regarding the treatment of persons with disabilities?
Failure asthetic: entertainment, inhuman, menacing
Failure morale- social dynamite, social junk
Failure economic

B)      What was shocking to you?
In the middle ages when they would take the people with disabilities and load them onto a boat in the middle of the night and take them down 2 or 3 ports and unload them in that port to get rid of their town’s “problem”

The “idiot cages” that was placed in the middle of the town center

The Hunchback of Notre Dame was based on a real person

The amount of circularity that was used to “diagnose” a person

The rock pile activity for people to experience the “luxury” of fatigue
C)      What statements can you make about the evolution of how we treat persons with disabilities in our society

It wasn’t until the late 20th century that people with disabilities were seen as a real human.

D)      What progress was made?
People who have a disability are now able to hold a job and be considered successful

E)      What challenges remain for persons with disabilities in living independently in the community?

They are still labeled and segregated from certain aspects of society because they have a disability

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Journal #3- CIDER Conference

1. Unpacking Transformational Pedagogy to Motivate and Retain Minority Students in STEM programs

Dr. Collins

Implications: we must build and improve capacity to retain and increase underrepresented, undergraduate STEM population
            Step 1: develop a culturally responsive pedagogy
            Step 2: Foster STEM identity and talent development
-without any judgmentà most important thing

sitting listening to Dr. Collin’s talk, a spectator started asking her questions. She was as Asian ethnicity and was starting to challenge Dr. Collin’s on her opinionà individualist vs. collectivist culture


The pedagogy involved in communicating the “official knowledge” will serve as a motivational tool

There are not enough young professionals to answer …

1.     how to be more self aware
2.     model that
3.     informal conversations among colleuges

Activating Strategy (Opening)
1.     make personal connections
2.     develop common ground for discussion
let students make personal connections, develop support
Instructional Strategy (Work Session)
1.     discover and engage new knowledge
2.     internalize new knowledge
3.     translating new knowledge
Summarizing Strategy (closing)
1.     foster a plan of action
2.     acknowledge external hindrances

2. Thinking out of the Box: Using International Service Learning to Facilitate Students’ Personal & Academic Growth and Development.

Eniabitobi Kuyinu

Service learning- deep immersion into a different culture
            Diversity, opportunity
Help develop leaders- how can I use what I have to better society, how can it go beyond just me

ISL expands the horizons of the students involved. Crossed cultural appreciation and skills are best learned by a combination of classroom study and direct  encounter with the people of another culture

ISL helps student realize that problems are global in character, and their solutions require a more complex type of processing it also helps balance the concept of “brain drain”

ISL more effective when it is passion centered, needs to be rigorous appropriate academic study

Theoretical underpinning
            U curve model
            W curve model

Program Design
Questions- what kind of communities do we want to work in? how is it going to impact the community? Is it mutually beneficial?
            Well defined learning objectives    
The longer and more in depth the service is the greater the impact

Types of international service learning:
            Teaching- literacy, numeracy skills, ESL
            Health care
            Community development- build houses, build roads, working at shelters
Models of ISL
            Groups or individual study model
Group study, group ervice- in this pattern students engage in the same set of studies and perform the same type of service
Group study, individual service- here students are engaged in the same set of studies but are performing different type of service
Individual study, group service- students may be engaged in the same service project but are using the experience
Individual study- the student and the teacher decide the learning goals and methods and the student performs the regulated service in an agency chosen by the college or by the student
            Alternating learning service-
The multidiscipline village- different students from different departments come together and put together a project
Pre-departure preparation
Pre-trip orientation- need to know basic info about country being visited (health care systems, health care beliefs/practices), immigration and customs process, living facilities, cultural definitions, food prep methodsà group presentation on this before they go, guest speakers

Reflection is a very critical part of the thought process

Partner selection- establish effective relationships
            Know your students, your resources, agencies and programs

Discussion starters

Steps to Successful Partnerships
Identify potential partners- schools , youth service orgs, non profit, businesses
Private foundations and trusts, personal fund raising, civic organization support, scholarships, university development office

Ethical Issues
Must be aware of different perspectives on informed consent in different cultures
            Continuity of care provided after the ISLP group departs

Students need to reflect before, during, and afterwardsà most important part